2 Jobs found
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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results.
Company University West of England
in Bristol
24.12.2024 Updated on: 24.12.2024
Elevate (Elevating marginalised voices through EDI codesign) project is a BBSRC-funded project seeking to build on the success of the EDI (Equality/Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) implementation within the UKRI Agrifood for Net Zero network+ project (https://www.agrifood4netzero.net/) and for the wider research and practitioner community. Elevate began on 1 October 2024 and will run until 30 September 2025 and is led by Professor Angelina Sanderson Bellamy and Sophie Constant within the School of Applied Sciences.You will be the primary contact and administrator for Elevate, as well as support (and lead, where appropriate) the delivery of the following set of activities:EDI Network and platform to elevate marginalised voices in the agrifood system (with applicability across other systems...
Company University West of England
in Bristol
21.12.2024 Updated on: 22.12.2024
We are looking for an enthusiastic Research Assistant to join an exciting new project funded by DEFRA and UKRI to develop new sensing technology for monitoring river health. Please see this short video called Giving Our Rivers a Voice for some background information.You will work as part of an interdisciplinary team (including microbiologists, engineers, environmental scientists, and AI data analysts) developing new fluorescence-based sensing technology for the assessment of river health. You will have access to a range of scientific laboratory facilities that support the development of cutting-edge technology. You will work closely with collaborators from The Rivers Trust and Chelsea Technologies and conduct extensive field-testing of the technology at existing water catchments. You will ...