1 Jobs found
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Company Bordesley Multi Academy Trust
in Bordesley
Birchensale Middle School are looking for a Lunchtime Supervisor to join their team of Support Staff on a 6 hours per week contract. Duties will include:- To supervise pupils inside and outside the school building during lunch break.- Refer any concerns regarding pupil behaviour to the relevant member of staff or SLT.- To ensure good order and discipline within the policies of the school.Term time only. Pay scale1, point 2. Approximately £3,295.000 per annum.As part of Bordesley MAT, Birchensale Middle School works closely with Trinity High School, Woodfield Academy and Holyoakes Field First School in a very localised MAT focusing on the development of children in Redditch. Working together as part of the three-tier system we aspire to improve the educational offer for the local community....