Jobmonitor. Search results for job research-fellow-in-fibre-optics

1 Jobs found for job research-fellow-in-fibre-optics in United Kingdom

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  • job research-fellow-in-fibre-opticsx
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  • Company University of Southampton in Southampton
    21.02.2025 Updated on: 23.02.2025

    We are seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher of outstanding calibre to join our research program in the area of fibre optics and photonics. The position is funded by an EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) large-scale collaborative project between the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton and Microsoft Azure Fiber, located in nearby Romsey. The project seeks to research revolutionary-new optical fibres pioneered at the ORC that guide light in air rather than glass. Air guiding increases the speed at which information is transmitted by 50%, which will contribute to the creation of Microsoft Azure’s next generation ultrafast datacentres and optical networks. The project aims to address research as well as practical aspects ...

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